Table of Contents
From the Desk of the District Director:
International Convention Recap:
Last month the members of the District Trio were in Denver along with several members of District 106. For the Trio we started our week with two full days of District Officer Training with other District leaders from around the world. Our topics of discussion included Team Building, Success Planning, Goal Setting, Finance, Branding, and Setting our vision for our 5 year success plan, We had the opportunity to interview candidates for Board of Directors and met with other D106 members in attendance to discuss which candidates could best serve the organization in the years to come.
We heard about upcoming changes in the Pathways Education System to make onboarding new members quicker, simpler and more efficient.
On Friday evening, we attended the International Business meeting. Thank you to all of the Club President’s and Secretaries who sent in their club proxies. All twelve proposals passed with wide margin (the narrowest being 21,619 for, and 2,526 against). Naomi Takeuchi, TK O’Geary, Mohamad Qayoom, John Lesko, Stefano McGhee, Aletta Rochat, and Sudha Balajee were elected as International Directors, and Richard Peck, Margaret Page, and Matt Kinsey were elected as President Elect, First VP, and Second VP respectively.
On Saturday, we attended the World Championship of Public Speaking. Aaron Beverly won the Competition with this speech.
In talking with other leaders from around the world, I was reminded how very lucky we are to have such a great team of members making our District stronger.
Region 4 International Director Candidate
Our very own Harold Osmundson announced his candidacy for International Director for Region 4. Please join me in congratulating Harold, and supporting him on his journey.
District Council Meeting
On September 14, 2019, at 10am, we will have a virtual District Council Meeting (via Zoom) where we will be approving our annual budget. In order to conduct business, we need to have at least 1/3 of Club President’s and VP Education register for the meeting. If you haven’t registered, please do so.
Looking For Leaders
It is never to early to start thinking about where your leadership journey will take you next. If you are considering stepping up into a District Leadership Role next year, please reach out to our District Leadership Committee Chair Ben Smith DTM here.
Dues are Due September 30
Club Treasurers: Plan on collecting dues and submitting at least eight member payments for your club by 9/30 to keep your club in good standing. Please keep this in mind that members advancing to the Area and Division Contests in October need to be members in good standing, of clubs in good standing. We do have an incentive for clubs renewing 100% of existing members by September 15th. We would love to be talking about you in the next month’s newsletter.
Dave Gibson, DTM
2019-2020 District Director,District 106Toastmasters International
Where Leaders are Made
From the Desk of the Program Quality Director
News from TI: Access All Projects in Your Path
Working in Pathways? Ever wish you could access projects in all levels of your path, regardless of the level you are working on? Later this month, you will be able to do just that. We are working to update paths on Base Camp so that members can open and explore all projects right away. Log in to Pathways and check it out!
Humorous Speech Contest
Have you heard the news? As mentioned in Officer Training, and back by popular demand, the Humorous Speech Contest is back! Now is your chance to share that hilarious story you’ve been sharing at the campfires, family outings, or the water cooler, and take home a trophy for it.
Not sure you have a good sense of humor? Let the judges decide! I recall 2 years ago: we had a member who’s an engineer who didn’t believe he had a good humorous speech. He shared a story of his military days, and he had the whole room tearing up in laughter, all the way to the Division contest. (Some of you know who I’m talking about.)
If your club hasn’t organized a speech contest yet, there is still time. Most of our Area Directors have scheduled their contests throughout October (check the D106tm events calendar for details.) For information on how to conduct a speech contest, check out the “Speech Contests” link under the Info tab on the website.
Remember, for our club contest winners to be eligible at the Area contests and beyond, their club must be in good standing, so make sure your club dues are in on time, by September 30th.
Contestants will compete this fall up to the Division level, then compete at the District level at the Annual Conference this spring.
For more information on Speech Contests, contact your Area Director, or me at
Club Success Plan
“I love it when a plan comes together!” most of us are familiar with this line frequently used by Hannibal Smith, the lead from “The A Team” from the late ‘80’s and the blockbuster movie from the mid 2000’s. It’s a line that’s been quoted for 30 years in most work and social functions while celebrating the success of a project or major task. Even if you thought the show was ridiculous (which it was), the phrase brings a sensation of joy and appreciation for a job well done.
The same goes for a successful and Distinguished Toastmaster year.
Of course, for a plan to come together, there must first be a plan. One that’s well organized, collaborated by the team, referenced frequently, and executed together.
That’s where the Club Success Plan comes into play. This document is designed to help all clubs assess their clubs’ goals and lay out the plan to complete those goals: education goals, quality club goals, membership building goals, and member retention goals. These in turn lead to engaged members who advance personally and professionally, which is why we all joined Toastmasters.
The Club success Plan can be downloaded here
September is a great time to get started on your club Success Plan. If your club hasn’t started one yet, encourage your fellow club members to get started right away.
Next June, I’m looking forward to hearing that great line “I love it when a plan comes together!”
Michael J. Carlton, DTM
2019-2020 Program Quality Director
From the Desk of Club Growth Director
Membership Renewal Incentive:
Will your club be one of the first 10 clubs to have 100% membership renewals by September 15, 2019? The district is offering a special incentive for the first 10 clubs who have 100% club membership renewals by September 15, 2019. They will receive $25 TI Bucks and Club Growth Award.
Smedley Award:
To assist our clubs with membership building, Toastmasters International created a membership program to assist clubs with membership growth between August 1st and September 30th; the program is called the “Smedley Award”
Can your club add five new, dual, or reinstated members with a join date between August 1st and September 30th? Accomplish this goal and you’ll qualify to receive a “Smedley Award” ribbon, named in honor of Ralph Smedley, which you can display on your club’s banner. Qualifying clubs can also earn a special discount code for 10-percent off their next club order. (The discount code expires six months from the date of issue and is not valid with any other offer.)
Applications and payments for members with a join date between August 1st and September 30th must be received at Toastmasters International or online no later than September 30th. The addition of transfer and charter members does not count toward “Smedley Award” credit.
The winning clubs will be revealed online within a few weeks of the submission deadline. Winning clubs should allow up to 10 business days to receive their award.
Starting New Clubs:
Would you like to start a new club, but you’re not sure were to begin or what is required?
We are looking for a few additional individuals to be part of the Demo Team. If you’re looking for a new way of sharing your toastmaster experience and you have a passion for Toastmasters; then this is the perfect fit.
Growing Your Club Membership:
Many of our clubs are starting to think about having open houses to assist with growing their club membership or preparing brochures to promote their clubs.
Below are four questions that can assist you as your club starts the planning process:
Why are you a toastmaster?
Why are you a member of the club or clubs you are attending?
Why have you remained a toastmaster after earning your Distinguished Toastmaster Award?
What makes your club unique?
Club Coach:
Interested in serving as a Club Coach?
We’re excited to announce an upcoming Club Coach Training. Please join us at the District 106 Club Coach Training on Saturday, September 21st from 1:30 pm to 2:30pm at the Columbia Heights Library.
For More Information:
Please send an email to
Together we can build new clubs and focus on helping you, our awesome members, to be successful. There are no limits to what we can do.
Kimberlee Redingtion, DTM
2019-2020 District 106 Club Growth Director
The Proven Number #1 Membership Building Tool
District 106, Do you want a
chance to gain new members? What about expanding your leadership and
communication skills? How about learning and having fun? How about
spreading the great education of Toastmasters?
Speechcraft is the #1 proven membership building tool!
Don’t forget the great incentives
the District team is offering.
I would like to hear your Speechcraft story. If you have one please email me and we would be happy to feature you. Please check out district incentives for SpeechCraft courses and new members.
Check out our new section on the D106 webpage. We are looking for content, so please contribute if you have anything.
Email Matthew Villella – Speechcraft Chair – with club name and number, location, a little bit about your Speechcraft course and was there anything outstanding? Include a quote from a participant if possible. If you can get a picture as well that would be great.
Any questions or guidance you require feel free to reach out to your club leadership, district or division leadership. I am looking forward to seeing the great Speechcraft sessions coming up in 106.
Club Spotlight:
PowerTalk Toastmasters
Many Toastmasters, once they get comfortable with speaking, wonder, could I do this professionally?
In 2011, PowerTalk Toastmasters was chartered as an advanced specialty club to foster the growth and development of professional and aspiring professional speakers, giving them the opportunity to present speeches longer than the typical 5-7-minute speech. During the club’s “Motivational Mondays” the 2nd Monday of the month, members meet at 6:30 AM at the Ridgedale Byerly’s to hear a short keynote presentation (10-15 minutes) and a mini-workshop presentation (15-30 minutes) in addition to an icebreaker speech. Prepared speeches are followed by a humorist presentation, a tipster presentation, Table Topics and evaluations. At the end of each meeting, members are encouraged to promote their businesses and upcoming public presentations. Visitors often comment on the high quality of the speeches and on the professionalism of the meeting. The club has achieved President’s Distinguished status every year since it chartered.
“As a professional speaker, I value my membership in PowerTalk Toastmasters,” says Diane Windingland. “The longer speeches give me an opportunity to try out new material and new activities in front of a low-risk, supportive audience.”
In addition to the feedback of the assigned evaluator, each member provides the speaker with written feedback and club videographer, District Toastmaster of the Year, Jim Emery, sends each speaker a video of their speech.
One of the challenges for PowerTalk Toastmasters is providing enough speaking opportunities for its members. A few ways that the club has increased speaking opportunities:
Visit PowerTalk Toastmaster’s club website:

Improv Your Speaking, 11/21

Join us for a fun, free and interactive workshop using improv techniques to make us all better communicators.
Date: Thursday, November 21
Time: 7-8:30 PM (doors open at 6:30)
Location: Brookdale Library, Brooklyn Center
Registration Link:
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2nd Story Sparks Event
September 17th

The Story Sparks Event in June was so much fun, we’ve decided to have another one this fall! It’s a FREE event.
When: Tue, September 17, 2019
Time: 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM CDT
Location: Camp Bar Twin Cities, 490 Robert Street North, Saint Paul, MN 55101
Theme: Travel
Format: 10 speakers will be
drawn out of a hat to tell 5-minute stories on the theme of “travel”,
judges display scores on paddles, and a winner will be declared.
Register at this
We’ll see you there!
HR Panelists Needed:
Nail that Interview
Are you in Human Resources? Do you interview job applicants? Or, do you know someone who does? D106 is looking for 3-4 panelists for an event this winter (probably in January), “Nail that Interview.” Panelists will answer pre-set questions posed by a facilitator and also answer audience questions. Panelists may also give short tips and may role play interviews.
Please contact D106 PRM Diane Windingland ( with HR contacts by Oct. 1 (and your ideas for the event). This event could also be a fantastic HPL project!
Around the District:
Stroke Inspire
I walked into the room, looking for my friend Ryan. Ryan was there to greet me and introduced me to others in the group. The meeting got started, and then it was my turn to speak…
“I’m too nervous, I’m going to sit down…” This is how I always start my speech where I relate my story of sitting down in the middle of my second speech. I then worked that experience into an inspirational speech about how I turned failure into success in my public speaking journey.
The group I was speaking to was Park Nicollet’s Stroke Inspire program. The friend I was looking for was Ryan Antkowiak, Area 16 Director and member of Carlsonics Toastmasters, who initiated this partnership with the Stroke Inspire program. I’d like Ryan to tell you about the program in his own words.
“I help curate a quarterly speaking series where guest speakers (namely Toastmasters) give prepared speeches centered around an inspirational or a motivational theme. With each meeting, we are presenting to a group of 20-40 stroke (or other brain trauma) survivors. This group of people have overcome or are overcoming a lot and relearning how to speak is a major obstacle that most face.
What I’ve found so meaningful about this activity is that it accomplishes two goals:
1. It allows us as Toastmasters to practice our speaking skills outside of the friendly confines of our home clubs.
2. It makes a tremendous impact on a group of people who not only can use a little inspiration but truly benefit from engaging in conversation.
From a logistics standpoint, the format is pretty simple. There are two prepared speeches with a group discussion in between each speech. Typically, I will lead this discussion and ask the group to reflect on what they just witnessed and then ask them to share what in the speech resonates with them. This allows them the share their stories and connect with other members.”
Back to my experience with the group, once I finished my speech, Ryan led a discussion about the speech where group members gave feedback about the speech and how they could relate to the experiences. It was a great experience for me, both for presenting outside my club and as a way to take my Toastmasters’s experience to a new group of people.
If this is something that you might be interested in, and would like more information about this program, please contact Ryan Antkowiak at
Ben Smith, DTM
Past District Director, District 106
Toastmasters International
Where Leaders are Made
Also recieved on this subject…
This past Tuesday, September 4th; I had the pleasure of speaking to the INSPIRE group at Methodist Hospital, in St Louis Park, MN.The invitation was extended by Area Director, Ryan Antkowiak; at his club visit to Tonka Talkers. I jumped at the opportunity and I’m so glad I did.
I spoke about “Living in the Moment” to approximately 30 people. After my speech there was a discussion, facilitated by Ryan Antkowiak, about what listener got from the speech. This was a powerful experience. I strongly recommend it to those looking to step out of their comfort zone; and speak in front of a new audience.
For me, this would be in the same category as speaking at Sandstone Correctional Facility. Something you never forget.
Thank you to Ryan for the invitation and the great work, he does with this group.
Jon Perry, DTM
Club President
Tonka Talkers #2119
This group was an appreciative and welcoming group.
District 106 Incentives