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District 106 Awards
Welcome to District 106 Awards homepage. This is the place where we celebrate our members, clubs, area directors, and division directors for their awesome accomplishments during the Toastmaster year.
Distinguished Club
The Distinguished Club Program is an annual program, running from July 1 through June 30. The program consists of 10 goals for your club to obtain, using the Club Success Plan as your guide. When your club meets the qualifying requirement and also achieve five of 10 goals, your club will earn the Distinguished Club Award.
Select Distinguished Club
The Distinguished Club Program is an annual program, running from July 1 through June 30. The program consists of 10 goals for your club to obtain, using the Club Success Plan as your guide. When your club meets the qualifying requirement and also achieve seven of 10 goals, your club will earn the Select Distinguished Club Award.
President’s Distinguished Club
The Distinguished Club Program is an annual program, running from July 1 through June 30. The program consists of 10 goals for your club to obtain, using the Club Success Plan as your guide. When your club meets the qualifying requirement and also achieve nine of 10 goals, your club will earn the President’s Distinguished Club Award.
10 for 10
The 10 for 10 ribbon is awarded to clubs that earned all 10 Distinguished Club Program points.
Magnificent 7
The Magnificent 7 ribbon is awarded to clubs where all 7 officers were trained in both rounds of club officer training.
Phoenix Award
Club coaches are the quiet heroes in our district. Clubs that have 12 members or less are eligible to receive a club coach. Appointed by the Club Growth Director, the club coach is an experienced Toastmaster who coaches a club to rebuild membership and restore quality to the club environment. The Phoenix Award is presented to club coaches who have successfully coached their appointed club to Distinguished status.
Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM)
The Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) award represents the highest level of educational achievement in Toastmasters. To earn the DTM, you are required to: Complete two learning paths. Serve as a club officer for 12 months, participate in the preparation of a Club Success Plan, and participate in a district-sponsored club officer training program.
Triple Crown
The Triple Crown is an award given to a Toastmaster who completes three awards in the Toastmasters program. In the former education program, that would be completing manuals and possibly completing some leadership tasks. This award is usually distributed by districts and is not a Toastmasters International award.
Division Director of the Year
The Division Director is to lead and support the Division through the supervision and support of the
Area Directors. One of the role’s primary goals is to ensure that each club achieves its mission and fulfills its responsibilities to its members
Area Director of the Year
The area director is the first link in the district leadership chain. While members certainly grow within the club, greater growth happens outside of the club. The area director is the information conduit between clubs and division and district leadership. The area director helps clubs meet the mission of helping members grow.
Toastmaster of the Year
This award recognizes the member whose dedication, commitment and efforts significantly contributed towards achieving the goals and mission of the district and who best exemplifies the values of Toastmasters International: integrity, respect, service, and excellence. This honoree exemplifies the true mean of Toastmasters.
Above and Beyond
Toastmasters who exhibited communication and leadership skills that went above and beyond their normal duties as Toastmasters.