
Leadership Workshop – Minnetonka

This is a two part workshop to help current and future leaders build a strong vision, build trust, develop a plan, and deal with difficult situations.

March 26 – Ridgedale Library, Room 172

•Vision – What is your vision for the future? What goals do you have? How do you communicate your vision to your team?
•Building Trust/Communication – How you build trust to get your team to “buy into” your vision?

April 2: Ridgedale Library, Ladyslipper Room 275

•Setting up Your Plan- What are your next steps to reach the final goal (or your vision)
•Dealing with Difficult Situations – How do you handle situations when they affect your vision or goals?

April 9: Plymouth City Hall

•Graduation Ceremony

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Area 44 Speech Contest

Larpenteur Estates is on West Larpenteur just East of Hamline Ave. Park in the rear of the complex and walk to the gap between buildings near the East end. Signs will point you to the Party Room.

Doors will open at 5:30. Contest briefings will be at 6:00. Contests will begin at 6:30.

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