2022-2023 Candidates

District 106

2022-2023 Candidates

Below are the 2022-2023 candidates for elected positions for District 106, nominated by the District Leadership Committee. 

Postions marked with * are the elected leaders for 2022-2023. Due to district realignment, Division F was absorbed into the other Divisions.

District 106 Candidates:

Position Name Photo Bio
District Director  * Gopu Shreshtha, DTM Gopu_Shrestha_Photo Gopu Bio
Program Quality Director  * Ed Aylward, DTM Edward Aylward Ed Bio
Club Growth Director  * Katy Hursh Katy Hursh Katy Bio
Club Growth Director Matthew Villella, DTM Matthew Villella believes in speechcraft Matt Bio
Division A Director  * Denise Sundquist Denise Sundquist Denise Bio
Division B Director  * Daniel DeJoode Daniel DeJoode Daniel Bio
Division C Director  * Bob Dummer, DTM Bob Dummer Bob Bio
Division D Director  * David Rasmussen, DTM David Rasmussen photo Dave Bio
Division E Director  * George Kane, DTM George Kane George Bio
Division F Ashok Sunkavalli Ashok_Sunkavalli_Photo  

This list of candidates is respectfully submitted by the 2022-2023 District Leadership Committee:

Chair: Michael Carlton, DTM / Immediate Past District Director

Members: Susan Schulz, DTM; Dave Gibson, DTM; Jonathan Goossen, DTM; Phil Rodgers, DTM; Daniel Grundtner, DTM; and David Degenhardt.

Nominating Committee Report